Senior Portrait Ambassador Program

photocrati gallery

Want to get your yearbook photo for free?  Then become a senior portrait ambassador for my studio.  I select one or two students at area high schools around metro Denver and Boulder to serve as ambassadors for my senior portrait clientele.  The students simply talk about my business to their friends and hand out personalized postcards with their photographs on it.


  • Receive a free silver senior portrait session and yearbook photo
  • Additional discounts on prints available depending on number of students who book with Regensburger Photography


  • You must be a junior at a local high school
  • Like having your portrait taken
  • Hand out post cards to your friends and family and encourage them to book my services
  • Interview process in April
  • Look great for your photos!

It’s that easy.  Just call 303 478-7586 to learn more and schedule an interview.


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